Who’s playing the piano in Angie’s Audio Corner?
A not-so-ordinary audio shop has been the topic of conversation in Richmond Hill, causing speculation over whether it really is a haunted house.
(changed category name from Themes to avoid my fuzzy brain confusing this with Wordpres Themes!! – Ivor, Jan 8, 2020)
A not-so-ordinary audio shop has been the topic of conversation in Richmond Hill, causing speculation over whether it really is a haunted house.
“Virtual” orienteering races have changed how clubs in the GTA and Hamilton area approach the sport.
Asma J, and millions of other immigrants like her, live in constant fear of another WhatsApp outage.
After guiding students through mental traumas, an internationally renowned weaver felt obligated to keep her art studio alive amid the pandemic.
Left dark for the past year, Saskatoon’s entertainment hub the entertainment hub in Saskatoon waits patiently for the show to begin again
How Chef Rick Matharu embraced his passion for Punjabi-Canadian cuisine and started a new family tradition
A closer look at how the pandemic has transformed the lives of musicians and the music industry itself
By Sabrina Scroppo With his nose buried in the pages of a fantasy classic, a thick Scottish accent surfaces without warning. “Harry – yer a wizard.” The smoky tone of Rubeus Hagrid’s voice lingers in the McNally home. Crisp pages land together and the ruby red hardcover is shut, the fictional nighttime adventure finally put…
Turning a public health emergency into a scripted musical, students at Chinguacousy Secondary School adapt to the harsh realities of virtual learning by showcasing their frustration and paranoia in a digital performance.
A pandemic turned normal life upside down, so the Zeldens put trust in the unknown and found new success